
Worked Hard and Saved Harder? Treat Yourself Properly

So, you’ve worked hard and saved up some money. You deserve the spoils of your hard work. Believe it or not, there is a way to treat yourself properly without wasting the cash you worked for. From using the right amount to buying something helpful, here are some ideas.

Splurge on Something Practical

The best money spent is when you buy something practical you can enjoy for a long time. A practical treat should be something you can treasure and even use with others. Some people use their funds for home extensions. An extension to the home is a very practical use of money, but is it a treat? You could check the web for SunChaser boats for sale, for example. Time with the people you love on something as valuable, cool, and useful as this is money well spent!

Allocate a Percentage of Your Money

No one can really tell you how to spend your money. However, there are some handy bits of advice floating around to consider. One of these is using a certain percentage of income to treat yourself. There are a few variations of these, but the 50/30/20 rule is more accommodating to splurging. It states you should use 50% of your income for necessary bills, 30% for fun, and 20% for savings. This way, you always have what you need with some left over for yourself!

Treat Yourself Properly with Health Improvements

Is there a better way to use your money than improving your health? Investing in home gym equipment, beauty and wellness treatments, or even a swimming pool puts the money to good use. If you struggle to lose weight, like 99% of people classed as obese, you could also use the extra cash for weight loss treatments. Popular methods today include gastric bands, swallowable gastric balloons, and even controversial semaglutide products like Ozempic.

Consider What You Need Against What You Want

It’s very common to want things. Desire is a part of being human, and we all want the best for our families and ourselves. The problems come when you overspend or don’t consider the things you need against what you want. Buying desirable products before paying the bills, for example, is a road to disaster. Only consider buying treats for yourself once you have the means to do so. And even then, carefully consider whether you will use or even need a product.

Discuss Major Purchases as a Family

No teenager wants to wake up and see a mid-life crisis Mustang outside their home. Okay, so this is an extreme example. But the family should always have a say in major purchases, especially your partner. Making big buys when you have some cash can actually be a delightful experience for the family. For example, going back to that boat we mentioned earlier, it could be a great bonding experience when buying it together, and everyone has a say about it.


Practical purchases you will actually use and benefit you are a perfect example of how to treat yourself properly. Another is buying things that will help with health problems such as weight. However, you can also consider making big purchases together as a family to avoid issues.

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