4 Self-Care Tips for the Working Week

When you’re passionate about your career, it’s easy to become overworked. Even if you love your job, it doesn’t mean your immune to becoming run-down or stressed. Most of us have our self-care tactics for the weekends from Netflix days to massages or long hot baths. The thing is, it’s vital to have a self-care routine for your working week . Let’s take a look at a few ideas.
#1: Learn to Say No
When you’re super driven, you’ll likely take on all the projects possible. The problem is if you take on too much, you’re going to burn out. Many firms will, accidentally, give the biggest workload to the most capable employees. If you have a lot of projects, and your boss tries to give you some more- don’t be afraid to say no. Professionally explaining that you can take on more when you’ve finished your current workload is perfectly okay. If you’re your own boss, you’ll need to set yourself a moderate amount and share the rest between your team.
#2: Get Creative with Breaks
If you’re in the habit of scrolling through your phone and necking coffee on your breaks; try to break the habit! Take the full lunch break and practice self-care. Why not try a yoga class or a meditation app? If not, take a walk in nature and write in a journal? There are plenty of small self-care routines that we can sneak into the working day. On your next coffee break, why not read a few pages of an inspiring book? Taking enough breaks at work is important for both our physical and mental health. When we experience fatigue or are run down, we are more likely to injure ourselves. If you are unfortunate enough to have suffered a personal injury, it’s important to seek legal help. Companies like The Hadley Law Firm may be able to help you if so.
#3: Perfect Your Morning Routine
The way that we start the day is everything in terms of self-care. Start the day wrong, and you’ll feel negative at work, which will affect your performance and mood. Try getting up earlier, so you’re in less of a rush (most of us are in the morning)! Pre-plan and healthy breakfast and drink. Practice some exercise or spend some time alone in your thoughts with a nice herbal tea. Write down the things you are grateful for and the goals that you have. Watch a short comedy clip to get laughing and get those endorphins pumping around your body! A great morning routine is vital to success!
#4: Meal-Prep
Meal-prep can make a world of difference to the success of your working week. Pre-plan breakfasts, lunches and dinners with lots of nutrients and superfoods. When you pre-plan you’ll be healthier, feel better and save money too. Allow yourself a cheat day at the end of the week where you can eat whatever you want. Factoring in a cheat day makes those healthier days a whole lot easier. If you’re eating all the wrong foods at work, it may be taking its toll on your wellbeing.
Self-care at work can be difficult if you don’t get along with your co-workers. Try to forge friendships as much as possible. If there is someone who makes you feel negative in particular, try to keep time spent with them to a minimum. Focus on those who make you feel positive and gravitate towards these people.